Saturday 11 July 2015



The Msane tribe paramount in traditional leadership, sometimes reffered to as UbuKhosi be Ndabuko baKwaMsane of which is where (eMaSanini) homestead (inxuluma), Msane Empire or Msaneland is traced back in 1700 before the arrival of white settlers and reign of Shaka Zulu as a king to be integrated with the Zulu tribe, after Shaka’s several attacks. Msane tribe is an indigenous species, or homo sapiens from Central Africa that arose in the 17th century on the south of now called Delagoa Bay and inland in the Eastern Southern Africa. “ Msane” means “the kind hearted people”.

 History records and research tells us that Msane people are the original Nguni catagory of cluster as they are saluted as “ Mnguni was’ Ondini” as thakazela, whose modern identity dates back some 700 years ago. Msane tribe people can also be acronymically describes as;
 M-agnificent, S-uccessful, A-mbitious, N-on-violent, E-lites = M.S.A.N.E meaning that they are the type of people that is safe and beneficiary viable  for yourself to associate with.

There were among the Ngunis groups who left the Greate Lakes in Central Africa between 200 AD and 1200 AD. On arrival in Southern Africa, they settled around the mountains of Hluhluwe, mainly behind the uMthekwini Mountain, and estabhished themselves there as independant and powerful clan which rose to a tribe when it was joined by other clans, amaNcwango, amaNdwandwe, amaNzimela, abakwaMnqobokazi, and others as sub-clans to Msane Clan under their leader King Sontuli kaMsane, grandfather to Nxaba Msane, which later grew to be Msane Tribe, before leaving in the modern day at KwaZulu/Natal in Hluhluwe region towards uMfolozi region.

It consisted of more than 33 Nguni tribes, and perhaps others, unlike it’s successor, the Zulu Kingdom, the Msane Paramountcy was also a confederation of like tribes and clans (izizwe ezazizwana), after Shaka’s troops invaded their homesteads, land and have their cattle and all other domestic animals confiscated for themselves, to forge a nearly homogeneous nation with a single king.

It is believed that people of Msane tirbe are direct descendants of King Nxaba ka Mbhekane, son of Sontuli Msane, and Inkosi Mgobhoz' ovel' entabeni ,father of Inkosi Nonqewu, who was Shaka's military associate, ans Army Commander-in-Chief. These people were diligent, independent and naturally creative, and like farming, cattle grazing and cultivating fields with their wooden hoes and possessed not even a weapon wherewith to slay each other. They planted their purple-grained maize ( u Gidigidi) with their wooden hoes, and when not out on the field, they were busy with craftwork, and used to fetch clay from their spot called iNhlokohlela to make clay pottery and home brew containers called “izinkamba nezi mbiza”, and ornaments for decorating. 

And yet, than their king Nxaba Msane, none was more bellicose, and of doughty warriours, none renowned in Shaka’s army, than was u Mgobhozi ovel’entabeni (He who comes from the hill). As years progressed, the Msanes grew more cultured and civilized. Certain enterprising smith with Shabangos (who afterwards ran off with Nxaba) as their head, journeyed down from Nquthu district and profitable business in assegais and hoes, so much so that in course of time, by trade increase and natural multiplication. They became a quite seemly clan, proudly dubbed themselves as “Abakwa Bukhosini” (The of the Right Royal Blood).Msane tribe chiefdom was consolidated and merged to the Zulu chiefdom under the rule of Mgobhozi Msane who later became as Shaka right hand man and greatest warrior and chief-in- commander of his regiment to attack the Ndwandwe Empire which was led by Zwide kaLanga.

Inkosi Mgobhozi Msane entered into an alliance with the Zulu Chiefdom to establish, of which was later known and annexed as Zulu Kingdom. On the other hand of Mgobhozi Msane’s tribe, his half brother Nxaba ka Mbhekane, rejected to have Msane tribe subjected to Shaka Zulu’s tryrannic regime/rule. Nxaba faught heavily with Shaka, which ended him stabbing Shaka and decided to flee away towards north from further attacks from Shaka’s troop as he was resisting to be subjected to Shaka’s chiefdom., they went to settle along Delagoa Bay and began trading with Portuguese. While settled at Sawziland, Nxaba, tribe was highly recognised as royal people, that were greeted with respect, “Wena we Kunene”, meaning that in siSwati, “Your Royal Highness”, or “ You of the Right Royal Blood”. That is how “Kunene” became the very important “isithakazelo” (praise name) of Msane.

According to documented history, in the “The Great Trek: The Transformation Of Southern Africa. 1815-1854”, by Norman Etherington, the Msane Tribe Chiefdom is told the other way round compared to the oral traditions that were consulted, it says that before Zwangendaba’s departure, a third former Ndwandwe ally arrived ( of which reffered to Msane tribe ally arrived) in Mozambique. King Nxaba, of Msane Tribe royal lineage came in a roundabout way from the Highveld. At some dispecifiable time following Zwide’s defeat in 1879, the Msane paramount chiefdom split, those who joined Inkosi Mgobhozi Msane, rose to high positions in Shaka’s kingdom

The reason for Nxaba’s relocation to Mozambique has been stated, that he could not stand Shaka’s cruelty and oppression, to be subjected to another man’s clan. On one oral account recorded in 1905, it is said that he went to pay tribute to Shaka, but became very frightened when he observed a man being executed for a trivial offence in a harsh and inhuman punishment. Another oral account dating from 1921, it also implies that Nxaba had joined Shaka, and later changed his mind to avoid ill treatment from Shaka because he kept cattle for other people that were attacked by Shaka.

Another history places the date of Nxaba departure in 1821which could have coincided with the onset of drought. Whatever the reasons and whatvever the initial date could be, it appears that Nxaba and his followers travelled north along the spine of the Drankensburg, crossed the Limpompo River and descended into Mozambique. The only date in this long progression which can be put down with some confiderence is 1824, when Nxaba Msane attacked Inhambane. By 1827, he had defeated two Tsonga chieftaincies north of the Sabi River. With each success he rounded up their cattle of the conquered people and seized young men and girls to boost the number of paramountcy further.  


Inkosi Mgobhozi Msane became very popular and respected within the Zulu nation because of his intelligence and bravery. He was recognised by Shaka and granted a position to look after his regiment as it’s Commander –in- Chief, he faught many successful battles and was offered indemnity by Shaka to rule his own people and land along the  coast of the region which was then known as Zululand, towards Swaziland.  Mgobhozi’s regime could n’t last because it was the time of arrival of British Settlers, and many wars erupted which ended up Mgobhozi being shot to death by white settlers land invaders( Oral account can be explained much b prospective Inkosi Mzikaw’tshingwa Msane). UMgobhozi Msane was the traditional leader of the status of inkosi during Shaka’s regime. Although documented historical information cannot be acquired because in olden days, people could not read or write, they were only telling stories, of which some of them were regaderd as myth, but real.

In most of the documented history that was captured and kept in archives was done by colonists authorities that could favour their interests.  Ubukhosi beSizwe sakwaMsane existed and honoured, it could because of some political implications that it was sabotaged and ignored by previous authorities, avoiding that people might became clear and good understanding about their real identity, which might result them loosing that wealth and heritage resources to be acquired by rightful beneficiaries, the best thing they could do is to hide the information that can challenge them to restore all heritage that was lost back to the rightful heirs.
According to another archival information, it has been discovered that one of the Msane clan by the name of Mr Nkipho Samsoni Msane of Nongoma who died in 1913 at the Swedish Hospital in Dundee was the closest adviser to Inkosi Dinizulu Zulu, and one of our own tribe Mr Nuttal Vuma Msane, son to Mr Saul Msane, was also a right hand man to King Cetshwayo kaDinizulu, and still those whose history was not documented, but played a very important and crucial role of building up this nation.


The efforts to meet with the Zulu Monarch, King Zwelithini in discussing about assistance to restore Msane tribe chiefdom has been gone through and declared historically valid and authentic, and some umndeni and tribe meetings has been held for several times to discuss about the way forward in reinstalling the Msane Tribe traditional leader.

As a clan we collectively agreed that an organised structure should be established as a trust to apply for recognition by the government and other private stakeholders, and KZN Traditional Leadership Commission On Claims And Disputes was approached , and advised that, the matter does n’t need their intervention anymore, because Msane tribe traditional leadership has already been recognised by the provincial monarch, and we have to proceed lodging application for recognition to the office of the premier.  On the recent Msane tribe households meeting held on the 7th Septemeber 2014, it was agreed that Mr Muzikawutshingwa Msane should be appointment as Inkosi yeSizwe sakwaMsane. The households that were represented were as follows ;

1.Indlu yakwaZoneyane
KwaZoneyane Royal House, Lena iHlalaNkosi/iS'godlo
 le Nkosi Mgobhozi Msane
2.Indlu yas' Ogobeni 
Ogobeni Royal House, Lena iHlalaNkosi/IS'godlo 
le Nkosi Nxaba Msane
3.Indlu yakwa Mteng’hlupha
4.Indlu yase Nqiwaneni
5.Indlu yakwaDumangeze
6.Indlu yaseVambini
7.Indlu yaseMthungululu
  8.Indlu yakwaNsukuzonke
  9.Indlu yaseMhawini
  10.Indlu yaseKwendemeni
  11.Indlu yakwa Bhekuk’phiwa
  12.Indlu yasey’Hlazini
  13.Indlu yase  Bhuyandlebe
  14.Indlu yaseNdleleni
  15.Indlu yase Mzungelezo
  16.Indlu yakwaNkodibe
  17.Indlu yakwa, Bembulalebuka.
  18.Indlu yakwa Zitike.

In this trying times of our democray, it is difficult for our government to satisfy everybody simutaniously, as they so those in power, because the government can not be able to reach out to each and every community in a short space of time, but is also affects our rural communities as well because freedom and prosperity through democratic government can only be seen to certain individuals who are benefiting from millions of tender contracts continuosly.

The trust of this nature has been established to fight poverty, and restoration of traditional leadership, because our people still feel being ppressed by their own people now they vote for. Msane Tribe people will exercise their constitutional rights to fight collectively against any stubling blocks and evil forces that stand against their traditional rights rights in the land of their origin. That is why thes homesteads has been identified, and to be recognised during our gatherings.

At the current moment,, the KwaZoneyane Royal Kraal ( Indlu ye Nkosi Nonqewu ka Mgobhozi) is the one which have been discovered, identified and assessed by all Msane tribe families of different traditional households as mentioned above, that is the one being recognised as the royal household, meanwhile we still tracing the immediate descendants as heirs of Ogobeni Royal Kraal (Indlu ye Nkosi Nxaba ka Mbhekane) .  All household agreed with one voice that the one who will lead the tribe is from that household as the history also confirms that.

Discussions have been held through traditional meeting to reconstruct the royal household of Msane tribe, that is has to be given the image and respect it derserves as a traditional royal kraal.  The concers were raised by inkosi himself about other traditional homesteads for Msane tribe that have been abandoned and ignored because forebears who were grandparents, and great grand parents have since past away.  We believed that our ancestors will guide and protect us throughout this difficult task to ensure that Msane tribe heritage and history is restored.

The Msane tribe homesteads “amanxuluma”were given special names for easly identification in case of any social needs that needed to be attended to by the chief or inkosi. It was not an easy thing for homestead members to engage themselves in any criminal activities because discipline was the order of the day, unlike today where people don’t care about each other.  Extended family members were very important to each other regardless of their standard of education and social status.

By Ulwazi Web Editor on February 20, 2013 in New Submissions

Izithakazelo zakwa-Msane




Nxaba kaMbhekane owabhekana nokuhlupheka

Wena kaNonqewu,
Wena kaMgobhozi,

Madl’uvalo lwengonyama abanye bedl’olwenkomo,

Lombo ka Lokothwayo,

Mnguni wasOndini,
Wena kaNonqewu, ka Sontuli ka Nonjonjo
Delela !
Wena kaMgobhozi, owehl’ entabeni,
Ntetha, Vangisa,
Mageza ngobisi abanye begeza ngamanzi,

Izithakazelo zakwa-Msani


Kunene, Majoka,
Nxaba kaMbhekane owabhekana nokuhlupheka,
Madl' isbindi sengonyama abanye bedl’esenkomo,

Lombo ka Lokothwayo

Nonjonjo, Khwila,


Joka lensimbi, abanye bebophela ngawokhuni !

Mnguni wasOndini,
Wena kaNonqewu,
Wena kaMgobhozi,
Ntetha, Vangisa,
Mageza ngobisi abanye begeza ngamanzi,



  1. I have been going through this blog of Msane history. Do we have any Msane descendents who left together with Mzilikazi ? The wife of Mzilikazi from King Mswati II was she a Msane. The one who gave birth to Lobengula ? I am from Zimbabwe but in my family history there is a mention of Msane origin, but believed to have been a breakaway together with Mzilikazi when he ran away from Shaka. Any information with regard to this ?

  2. Yes we do have Msane people who migrated to Zimbabwe alongside with Mzilikazi, please provide us with your contact details because we have traced some Msanes in Zimbabwe.

  3. 0787022870,

    1. Thank you Mabonga for the response, we shall revert back to you soon through email correspondence.

  4. 07870222870, or

  5. My Aunt is a Msane but her sisters and brothers are from the Mzilikazi clan and now she's the only msane who wasn't told her real surname now she's attacking the Mzilikazi clan. Can we get some help please so many people died in the Family because of her...I think she needs her Family abakwam msane

    1. Ayanda, please also send us your contact details as well as information about your location, sotha we make arrangents to meet and discuss the way forward. On behalf of the Msane Tribe Heritage Trust, I wish you all the best and prosperty in uniting your family.

    2. 0814776694

      Am located eMtubatuba at kwamsane

  6. My name is Zodwa Kubeka, I have a son with Mthukutheli Msane who passed on in 1992 before he was born. His grand father from what I have heard was Makhosana Msane .we are in contact with the family however would like to investigate more on information on the Msane clan and to find out if there maybe a relation with you as his fathers family they all died and only the aunt we know who is married to the Mkhize's. they are in Emvoti emhlangaNdlovu. please anyone can help please contact me on 0799056423 or send me a email on Thanks

    1. We shall be doing with all our best, also trace through our facebook page: Msane Tribe Heritage Trust.

  7. I'm just so glad to know my roots thank you so much for this block, just wish we could do umkhosi wakwa Msane siphakamisane thina bomadla isbindi sengonyama. Wena wekunene

  8. We shall have it ngomusa kaNkulunkulu, please pray for us not to give up.

  9. Interesting to found out about the Msane history then how do we classify ourselves according to house (where each house is situated/located e.g oMsane eMatuba kwa Nongoma kwa Mnqobokazi bakuziphi izindlu

  10. I'm just so happy to get a chance and read about my root I have learn a lot I never thought I am real a princess wow I'm so happy and speechless wow that wonderful Im looking forward to meet Msani/Msane people thank you so much

    1. Aluta continua, you got to know who you are, wher you come from, unless people will tell you who you are, and where you come from, telling your what suit them to be below them.

  11. uMsane noKunene isibongo esisodwa? ngibuza ngoba kukhona abathi isizwe sakwaKunene/Msane siqhamuka eSwatini.

    1. Abaqhamuki eswatini bafikelakhona behamba neNkosi Unxaba nakhona futhi abahlalanga badlulela emanguza bazebaphelela name is sbonelo msane but raised by the khoza people (komalume)

    2. Labo abase Swazini basala ku Nxaba ka Mbhekane Msane, bonke badabuka kwesaKwaMsane e Hluhluwe kuye kofika e Mfolozi River, which used to be called Msaneland.

  12. Having read this history, it appears that MrMuzikawutshingwa Msane was appointed as the leader of the Msane Clan,if so I'd like to know where is the royal house house of the Msanes in which he is rulling.

    I may be contacted on

    1. Sizohlangana e University Of KwaZulu/Natal, NgoLwesihlanu luka Mhlaka 14 February 2020, Innovation Centre ngo 1 emini.

  13. Thanks for keeping the Msane clan alive.Amandla💪

    1. Sizohlangana e University Of KwaZulu/Natal, NgoLwesihlanu luka Mhlaka 14 February 2020, Innovation Centre ngo 1 emini.

    2. That was a good question, actual Muzikawutshingwa Madlakayise Msane, is the one whom we recognise as Msane tribe Inkosi, because of his bravery, and confidence to stand for his real identity, and to defend our royal status history, when others are selling away our royal throne, because of cowardness.

      The issue of traditional chiftaincy begins with the clan first to acknowledge itself of its royal status, before to be recognized by government and by other tribes.

    3. That was a good question, actual Muzikawutshingwa Madlakayise Msane, is the one whom we recognise as Msane tribe Inkosi, because of his bravery, and confidence to stand for his real identity, and to defend our royal status history, when others are selling away our royal throne, because of cowardness.

      The issue of traditional chiftaincy begins with the clan first to acknowledge itself of its royal status, before to be recognized by government and by other tribes.

  14. Ngiyabonga I heard my father said we Msane we once lived between friehead and olundi someone who knows any Msane there hopefully can assist me see my great grand family land cause I believe if we can get our land back we would be financially established


  15. Ngibonge ukwazi kabanzi ngalesisibongo. Mina ngizalwa intombi yakwaMsane umkhulu kwaku Siyabona Samuel Poto Msani eMthwalume

  16. Wen is Msane gathering? I so wish to meet my people

    1. I'm also waiting for it I so do want to meet them too aboMthantathwa


  17. Sizohlangana e University Of KwaZulu/Natal, NgoLwesihlanu luka Mhlaka 14 February 2020, Innovation Centre ngo 1 emini.

    1. Haauu nkosiyami ngaphuthelwa😭Ngcela mekuphindwa kuhlanganwa ngicela nibongi thinta kule Number yami 068 537 8753.. I’m Nomfundo Msane❤️

  18. I'm Philile Msane I also interested to meet generation of Msane'S family and to hear about Majokas alot.

    1. You got to post your contact details

    2. Kindly visit my facebook page, Zwakele ka Vangise Msane ( Heritage & Cultural Activist)

  19. That was very interesting and helpful,
    I'm from Mozambique we also have our land.and we are of the bukhosi blood.
    Now I know where it started although we Nobelas it might coursed by moving around and names of generations.

  20. Please inform us through email if there are meetings or gatherings Thanks

    1. Check my Facebook page, " Zwakele ka Vangise Msane"., but not for those who do not want to be consistant, who stand for nothing, only want to hijack the process towards victory.

  21. Very interesting revelations, my mothers relative settled in southern province of Zambia and they have repeated asked us to trace our roots. The history of settling in Mozambique from South Africa has been mentioned. They keep on mentioning the name of Nxaba Msane. I am interested to know my descendants.



  24. The accuracy is amazing, I'm from kwaZoneyane and this makes me soon happy, thank you for doing this❤❤❤❤❤

  25. Syabonga Nxaba uskhumbuzo loh Msani ngicela nje ihubo lakwa Msani sengifune angilitholi


      Lelihubo lihutshwa uma kunemicimbi yamaGugu namaSiko, neyesintu nje jikelele, nalapho kuhlangene khona isizwe saKwaMsane.

      Lingaba futhi yisaga noma isiqubulo sesizwe. Yebo livusa usinga namadlingozi ngoba liphakamisa immimoya yabantu abadala abalwa izimpi ngezimpi, kucindezelwa usiko-mpilo lwabo,bephucwa imfuyo nomhlaba wabo,kuhlakazwa nesakhiwo sobukhosi babo bendabuko.

      (IGOSO:Oliholayo phambili ngezwi eliphezulu)

      (IBUTHO:Abavumayo ngamazwi ahlangene nandodayo-ezinsizwa)

      IGOSO noma IMBONGI:(licula phambili, noma imemeza phambili)

      Uyamemeza...uyamemeza' uNxaba, madoda,madoda ake nivumehhh..

      (IBUTHO:(livuma emva koholayo-igoso)

      Uyamemeza....uyamemez' uNxaba madodah,siyavuma samadoda

      IGOSO noma IMBONGI:

      Uyamemeza.....uyamemez' uMgobhozi madoda, madoda akenivume bohh...,


      Uyamemeza.... uyamemez' uMgobhozi madoda...siyavuma samadoda

      IGOSO noma IMBONGI:

      Uyakhuluma uyakhulum' uNtelezi madoda, madoda akenivume bohh...


      Uyakhuluma,uyakhulum'uNtelezi madoda, siyavuma samadoda..

      IGOSO noma IMBONGI:

      Ayakhuluma, ayakhuluma amakhehla akithi madoda,madodahh ake nivume bohh...

      Ayakhuluma, ayakhuluma amakhehla akithi madoda, siyavuma samadoda hh...

      IGOSO noma IMBONGI

      Asizodlala lah singabaSane hhemu, asizodla lah, sizogay'ikhubalo...


      Asizodla lah singabangabaKwaMsane hhemu, asizodlala lah, sizogay'ikhubalo..

      IGOSO noma IMBONGI:

      Asizodlala lah, nina Ambika hhemu, asizodlala lah, sizonigomoshela..


      Asizodlala lah, nina Ambika hhe
      hhemu, asizodla lah, sizonigomoshela...


      1.Ikhuzeni lenkukhu,
      2.Ikhalaphi Inkunzi yenja,
      6.Mub'umakhelwaneh,esithi sakhelene...,

      Kanye nezinye izibongo nezaga....


      Izithakazelo zaKwaMsane/Msani

      Nxaba kaMbhekane owabhekana nezigigaba,
      Wena weKunene,
      Nonqewu ka Mgobhozi ovele'ntabeni,
      seNgonyama abanye bedl' esenkomo,
      Lombo ka Lokothwayo,
      Mvune,owavuna kuqala abanye belibele yingevu,
      Ntetha, Vundla,
      Mageza ngobisi abanye begeza ngamanzi,

      Msane ongenacala, Vangise,

      Kungcono uthumele icell number yakho, ngoba ngizokunika ushuni walo ngezwi (whatzup voice message), unganaki ukubhimba, uma kubhimbekile Vangise.

      Likhona-ke nelinye esisina ngalo uma sesisuthi inyama nejiki elithi, "Thina naKwaMsane asimzumi umuntu, simqonda ngqo".

  26. Ngicela ukbuza laphaya ngokwe indlu uzazi kanjani ukuthi wawukuyiphi indlu thina nje singomsani ngapha emthini emide emelmoth indawo nje yomsani ngicela. Nisisize ngibonile kubhalwe izindlu ngenhla.

    1. Izindlu sakwamsane uma bekhona adala ibona abasivezela kabanzi ngokwezindlu.umlando ungawazi but abadala bayadingeka nabo ekucobeleleni ngolwazi ngokwezindlu lakwamsane inqiwaneni,uzitike,inkwendemeni esinazo kanye nenkodibe.ulwazi luvela kwabadala b4 luye kwi internet.ngyabonga Majoka

    2. Nazi izindlu zaKwaMsane okuthiwa zikhona,

      Indlu yasOgobeni,
      Indlu yakwaZoneyane,
      Indlu yaseBhuyandlebe,
      Indlu yaseNqiwaneni,
      Indlu yaseMhawini,
      Indlu yaseZihlazini,
      Indlu yaseNgwenyeni,
      Indlu yaseNdleleni,
      Indlu yaseMthungululu,
      Indlu yaMzongololo
      Indlu yakwaBhekuk'phiwa,
      Indlu yakwaMteng'hlupha
      Indlu yaseManzimtoti,
      Indlu yaseBhekulwandle,
      Indlu yaseMzinto,
      Indlu yakwaQoloqolo,
      Indlu yaseMalangeni,
      Indlu yaseMzumbe,

  27. Hello there, My name is Thomas Msane from Bushbavkridge. 0768347287. Anyone from this side from my family (Msane) please call me

    1. There're so many Msane tribe people who're Mpumalanga, also check them on Facebook groups, like The Majoka Family Reunion.

      Wishing you all the best.


  29. Hi i'm Thabani Mvune number 0844132752 number yam lena ngingathanda ukwaz abantu bakithi ngihlala ngase pinetown

  30. How about abo Komsane ngiz'bhuza ukuth nabo do they belong to msane tribe or ... Cause my family surname is KoMsane

  31. I also belong to msane tribe my mother told me that my father is from Mozambique pls help me relocate them my number is 0782406257

    1. We're still trying to connect with Msane's who're from Mozambique, through those who are around here in South Africa, especially through Mama Tryphina Msane (Mussane as they write in Portugese), and she's selling three legged pots at Mansel Road, near Durban Station, please try look for her, she might help if she's got some information.

  32. Hi everyone, I'm very happy to read about imvelaphi yakoMsani, owam umndeni useMzinto kodw bengakaze ngithole ithuba lokfunda ngemvelaphi. Ngyabonga kakhulu

    1. Kushubile, uzowuthola maduze nje, keep visiting Google Search #MsaneTribeHistory

    2. THE Inkosi Shaka Msane

      He is one of the Msane Veterans on the South Coast who defended the history of the Msane people, and fought for the return of the land that was confiscated by the Colonial Government.

    Let me first clarify this so that there is no confusion and confusion among the entire Msane people. Msane or Msani is the same word, depending on which vowel you use at the end, “ë” or “i”, there is no difference, the interests are the same, and it is also possible for members of the same family to use different vowels at the end of the surname.

    Let me first clarify this so that there is no confusion and confusion among the entire Msane people. Msane or Msani is the same word, depending on which vowel you use at the end, “ë” or “i”, there is no difference, the interests are the same, and it is also possible for members of the same family to use different vowels at the end of the surname.

  35. The Msane Clan has a deep and rich history and richness in all walks of life, which is why I would like to trace it from ancient times to the depths of its richness, reviving it from before the arrival of whites in this tradition in 1652 (Arrival of European Settlers). and I bring this up long before the reign of King Shaka of Senzangakhona of the present Zulu nation, the potter and founder of the Zulu Nation by swallowing other nations (he is not the creator of the Nations).

    When King Shaka Zulu of the Zulu Clan took over the throne from his father Senzangakhona after his overthrow in 1815, Shaka used ingenuity and cunning to devour other tribes, which when he succeeded in using the tribal warriors to attack another, then conquered the tribe. then they called it the Zulu nation. He started by kidnapping the women and children of the tribe because the men were the ones who were waging war, hiding in the woods.

  37. The same thing happened to the Msane (Msane Clan) tribe which was under the rule of its King Nkosi Nxaba Ka Mbhekane ka Sontuli of the Msane tribe, and was attacked by Shaka's army on several occasions, it was not a war-torn country, it was a nation dedicated to cultivating land, raising livestock, hunting, and even carving wood. The hero of the Msane tribr, Mgobhozi Msane, father of Nonqewu - who came down from the mountain, was the one who had the extraordinary courage to defend the Msane tribe (Msaneland) from the enemy. Shaka was the one who managed to persuade him into his army called Dlangezwa, which he used to defeat the Ndwandwe tribe led by Zwide ka Langa's son Sikhunyans, who also defeated Mgobhozi from the Hill, at Magudu eZindololwaneni, Mgobhozi(He who comes from the Hill). ), then came under the control of the Zulu Clan.

    The origins and origins of the people of the Msane Clan as an independent pre-Shaka Zulu nation, with its own monarchy or tradition according to God the creator of nations, in the history of historians, and historical and heritage custodians The Msane Clan People hails from Hluhluwe, below or behind Mt. Mthekwini, which is still in the archives and libraries currently available.

  39. That is where the ruins of the King's Palace of the Msane people, King Nxaba Msane, came into existence. It is said that the Msane people were united, respectful and respectful, in such a way that the enemies struggled to enter, which took Shaka's ingenuity so skillfully that he could acquire Mgobhozi's skills in order to win the Msane tribe into his monarchy. The Msane tribal huts are made of the finest of the people, and the Msane huts are made of fine grass and special materials. No one was as busy as the rest of the Msane people, the way we introduced ourselves. The people of Msane (People Of Msane Clan), who worked hard to cultivate famine-stricken lands, were able to grow their own colorful corn called "Gidigidi", and they used their own plows to cultivate, no one had time to carve a weapon to kill other members of his tribe. Nxaba ka Mbheka had strict instructions, with a keen eye for his nation to behave in the right way. They liked to make things like pottery for traditional liquor, and drinks made from milled corn, as well as beautiful decorative objects, because they had their own place where they dug the clay called Nhlokohlela. They loved to go into the woods and cut wood for carving objects such as spoons, food and meat hats, and tables. They loved to weave rugs, sun hats, and tan skins. Vegetable baskets were made of high quality grass.

  40. [02/19, 6:39 PM] Zwakele Ka Vangise Msane: FOOD AND WEALTH OF THE MSANE CLAN PEOPLE
    The economy, food and resources of the Msane people depended on the natural resources of the creator (natural resources), as they worked hard on the land, planting, and tending livestock, raising herds of cattle, goats, sheep, chickens, pigs, dogs (which protected livestock and animals from animals). wild horses), the horses or donkeys that roamed the land, and the donkeys that carried the loads when they returned from the fields. The Msane people were a very active people, not only in strength but also in mind. It was a nation that used its imagination to create things that would be useful to it before the pressure to seek supremacy over other nations, to be deprived of power and the right to self-determination as a nation.
    [02/19, 6:42 PM] Zwakele Ka Vangise Msane: In some ways the thinking of the Msane people did not depend on any other tribe, but on their creator. Things originated from the ancestral origins of traditional economic independence


    Shaka ka Senzakhona of the Zulu Clan, recognized the Msane (Msane Clan) tribe, who wanted independence and prosperity in their activities, and at the same time, succeeded in getting Mgobhozi Msane to persuade him to join the Zulu monarchy, and assigned him to a local settlement It is home to the Msane people who follow him, part of which has been built in modern houses called township called Kwa Msane Township in Mtubatuba. The people of the Msane tribe were dispersed and some fled into the bush and lost their lives to the Msane chiefs, worshiping under other chiefs who fled to them before the battle of the Shaka army. King Nxaba of Mbhekane Msane fled with his tribe down the district to Nquthu and rebuilt another palace with his children and wives, as the one in Hluhluwe was burned by Shaka's army. When Shaka heard that King Nxaba had relocated to Nquthu he sent his troops to attack the Msane people and burn down his palace and confiscate all his livestock and children and wives, which was a very difficult situation for Nxaba. "The King of the Msane tribe was very much under the control of Shaka Zulu, so much so that he decided to flee to Swaziland. Nxaba ka Mbheka had no plans or plans to retaliate against Shaka Zulu's attack, but aimed to protect his nation so that it could stand on its own two feet and develop itself at its will. At that time the Msane people were left on the road, some remained in Swaziland, came under Swazi rule, and continued across the Zambesi River, until they reached the banks of the Busi River in the Portuguese colony in Mozambique where they settled with that small group of people they still clung to him, built a ruin and ruled for 10 years, and then bowed to King Nxaba Ka Mbhekane Msane.


    The Msane tribe people were dispersed throughout all directions of the continent of Africa, and those who chose to submit to Shaka's wrath followed Mgobhozi father of Nonqewu, a former Msane warrior, who joined Shaka's army, which eventually came under Zulu rule. Shaka allotted to Mgobhozi a large piece of land from which Shaka had taken possession of it, which came to be known as Zulu (Zululand), because Shaka had pushed out other tribes.

    The tribal people who chose to live under Shaka's rule, were then called Zulus because the chiefs of their tribes had been defeated. King Nxaba Msane of Mbhekane refused to submit to the tyrannic rule , and Shaka's rage to be subjugated by the Zulu people, but chose to move northward to the land of his ancestors and his people and the the sub-clans of the Msane tribe until it arrivedin Swaziland, it was also unstable because it did not want to be ruled, but it wanted to govern itself, to educate itself on the culture and way of life that would prosper its people. Some of the Msane descendants and remnants chose to remain in Swaziland and served under the Swazi monarchy, crossed the Zambesi River to the Portuguese now known as Mozambique, settled on the banks of the Busi River in Mozambique where King Nxaba Msane ruled for ten years and then taken over by Shabangu. According to history legend, it is understood that some Msane chiefs fled to the South Coast, led by King Khothweni of Msane in 1829, and became confused whether it was still Shaka's army or were pushed by Dingane's forces called ''Isi dindi soMtshiki, because it was then that Dingane and his brother Mhlangano killed Shaka and took over the throne. When they arrived at South Coast, they searched for land along Umzinto River,and Ifafa River, around uMgwempisi forests and built houses to settle in, before the whites could even see the coastal area. The whites came to Shaka in the north of the province.

  43. The Zulu (Zulu Clan) wars between Shaka and Dingane greatly disturbed the other tribes, as the Msane (Msane Clan) tribe was dispersed, its people worshiping under other tribal chiefs who were far from being invaded. When they recount the history they know, they say that King Nonjonjo came and settled in a place called Mzinto, where it is now called Vita by the arrival of these whites before they took over the land.

  44. The Msane tribe people are still scattered in all four corners of the globe, not only in the province now known as KwaZulu / Natal but also in other provinces and in neighboring countries, and even overseas, with some changing their surnames to 'zimtiti', and then to foreign languages. You can find some in the townships, who do not know what it really is because our ancestors left some of the land undisclosed because of the oppression they were under the British Colonial Government.

    Before I go into the brief descriptions of the arrival of whites, the transformation of the white supremacy, the abolition of the traditional monarchy, the white supremacist laws and the confiscation of our ancestral lands, let me shed some light on how we, Msane, first know who we are. well, they also have to tell us who they are


    Izithakazelo have diverged but the important thing is that we are one clan, until the house first uses the name of its great-grandfather as an interest. That is why there was a great uproar from the clans when it came to issues of national sovereignty, and the throne.

    Izithakazelo zakwa Msane/Msani

    Nxaba ka Mbhekane owabhekana nezigigaba,
    Wena weKunene

    Mgobhozi owehl’ entabeni,
    Wena ka Nonqewu,
    Mnguni wasOndini,

    Madl’ isbindi sengonyama abanye bedl' esenkomo

    Lombo ka Lokothwayo, onga lokothwa,


    Mvune, owavuna kuqala, abanye bengakavuni,

    Joka lensimbi elingaphuki, abanye bephophela ngawokhuni

    Vundla, Ntetha,

    Mageza ngobisi abanye beza ngamanzi nzi!

    N.B. This historical information was expressed live on Vuma FM by Zwakele Msane on the 26th June 2013.


    (a) NXABA KA MBHEKANE MSANE: King of the Msane Clan King in 1789, before the reign of the Zulu king, Shaka ka Senzangakhona.

    (b) MOGOBHOZI FATHER OF NONGEWU MSANE: The Msane warrior, who impressed the heavenly king Shaka ka Senzakhona, urged him to lead his army and attack other tribes.

    (c) KHUKHULELA MSANE'S PRINCIPAL: The Prime Minister of King Mngeni Msane, the Locusts on the South Coast, and a former Anti-Pox Tax Activist, was arrested for opposing the British colonial government and its oppressive laws. in this country, imprisoned in an island prison called St. Louis. Helena, in 1906.

    (d) SAUL MSANE: The intellectual elite, intellectual, and activist of the 1913, Natives Land Act, who also fought against the British and their governments to deprive black indigenous people of their land rights. He was also one of the pioneers of the founding of the ruling party in 1912, the African National Congress, and Dr. John Langalibalele Dube, Josiah Gumede, Sol Ka Plaatjie and others.




    MSANE TRIBE HERITAGE TRUST is an organization registered with the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial High Court.

    It was established on 25 July 2014, following a series of meetings of the Msane Tribe North and South Coast of the Province of KwaZulu / Natal.

    Objectives of the organisation's constitution,

    1. To collect all the history of the origins and traditional dynasty of the Msane Tribe.

    2.To protect and trace the true history, land and heritage of the Msane tribe.

    3.To fight for the revival of the Msane throne and the land in which the people of the Msane tribe, ruled, farmed and owned land before the Colonial Empire under the British Queen Victoria.

    4. To pay tribute to the heroes and heroines of the people of the Msane Tribe who are hotly opposed to the British laws of trampling on the traditional culture of all the tribes that made up this region.

    5. Working with other nations to develop the province of KwaZulu / Natal.

    As the people of the Msane Tribe who are at the forefront of the struggle for national dignity, we know and understand that it will not be easy for the Mkhwanazi nesakwa Mthethwa generation to embrace the true history of the Msane tribe.


    If I read the history of the Mkhwanazis who are also known as the Mpukunyoni clan, I find that they came from Swaziland, then down the Ingwavuma River, following the Mthethwa family because there was some connection between them.

    It is alleged that they went down to the Thabethe-dominated area, but could not find a place to stay. They passed by the Mafu-dominated area of ​​Mngomezulu, where they did not receive a warm welcome, forcing them to go to the beach.

    On their way they split up. The group led by Mnyenyeza moved inland and settled near the Mncwangeni tribe, between the Hluhluwe and Nyalazi rivers. There they called themselves Mnqobokazi. They are said to be living in the area in great peace. It was not until the Zulu army, Dlangezwa, was deployed to attack the Msane tribe of Mnqobokazi that they were also attacked. As I said, the people of Mnqobokazi are the people of Mnyenyeza of Mpukunyoni, Mnyenyeza fathered Wokoza, and he fathered Nkomo, from whom the Nkomo people descended.

    The second group of Mpukunyoni was led by Mdolomba, who crossed the Nyalazi to Mthethwa. They called themselves the Mkhwanazis. in Mthethwa's dominated area, Khayi ruled, and he formed a strong bond with the people of Mkhwanazi, part of Mpukunyoni.

    When Dingiswayo was buried in Mthethwa's house, Mkhwanazi's house was ruled by Vilana son of Cunge of Mdolomba. Vilana is said to have been one of the pillars of Dingiswayo's house, which was called Shenni. He later became a chief.

    Because he was once the king's tail, the people of Mkhwanazi were called Nkwali yeNkosi, in honor of the king's tail. The people of Mkhwanazi were now called Zembe. Malanda, Vilana's son, married Mpande's sister Ntikili, who gave birth to Somkhele, Mtubatuba's father. That is why there is the town of Mtubatuba in the land of Mpukunyoni, following the name of Mtubatuba. The town is also known as KwaNkomokayixoshwa - because it is said that if a cow ran away to be slaughtered, King Mtubatuba told him to stop, not chase him away, and then kill another.

    History makes it clear that the Mkhwanazis came to the Msane clan, joined forces with Shaka Dlangezwa's army to attack the Msane tribe led by Nxaba ka Mbhekane, because they were strong and independent because of King Nxaba. It is clear that by the time they reached the Thabethe and Mngomezulu families, they were not yet able to attack them. The Mkhwanazis did not come with the Msanes from Swaziland, and the Msanes are from the Mkhwanazis in the vicinity of the Mkhwanazis. That means the Msane Traditional Kingdom, you like history or you don't like it, but history is a history that doesn't change, but it can be trampled on if the people of that tribe are scared or ignorant, but those who know it face death because you can't lie that.

  49. I think that on the 13th of May 2015, as I arrived at the Municipal Council Offices I would be asked to be allowed to hold a meeting at the City Hall, Mtubatuba Municipality, and I met with verbal attacks, which I did not expect because I told myself to come to Government Council offices, not Mkhwanazi Tribe in Mpukunyoni. We should not have gotten into that debate, I should have benefited in the right way because I came to the office to help everyone regardless of party affiliation, or nationality, which I think was a violation of the South African Local Government Act. Whites and Indians when they come together in terms of their ethnicity do not get oppressed, but we humans oppress each other because we know the truth that here we oppress them are people who have a traditional right to come together according to their nationality, to discuss issues affecting the nation.

    The results of the research, which was not done by me, but by the Human Research Council of South Africa, in March 2011, for COGTA, revealed that thirteen Chiefs, appointed in 1879 by Sir Garnet Wolsely in terms of Colonial politics in the Northern Province / KwaZulu / Natal . Those Kings were; Hamu kaMpande, Somkhele ka Malanda, (Mthethwa), Mlandela ka Mbiya (Mthethwa), Mgitshwa kaMvundlana (KwaBiyela), Gawosi (KwaMpungose), John Dunn (KwaMagwaza), Mfanawendlela kaThanga (KwaZungu), Faku ka Ziningi (KwaNtombela), Sekethwayo ka Nhlaka (KwaMdlalose), NtshingwayokaMahole (KwaKhoza), Zibhebbu kaMaphitha (KwaMandlakazi), Hamu (Ngenetsheni), Mgojana ((Magazine), Manyonyoba (Hlubi).


    The history of the Msane tribe is said to have originated in the Hluhluwe area, behind Umthekwini Mountain, they were a close-knit community of Mzimela, close to the Mnqobokazi, which is why the Mnqobokazi were also attacked when Shaka Dlangezwa's army invaded Msane Kingxxxxx palace.

    Nowhere does it appear in history that they are from Swaziland. Although there were many in Swaziland, it was because they dispersed during the brutal and brutal attacks by the Mkhwanazis and joined Shaka's army. The houses of the Msane people were set on fire, and their livestock and land were confiscated, including children and women, while men fought to protect the Msane tribe's livestock and land. It was then that the dispersal of the Msane Nation was dispersed as you could find them scattered throughout the four corners of the globe, not just in the Province of KwaZulu / Natal. You can find them in Swaziland, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Delagoa Bay, Inhambane, and other provinces in South Africa.

    The history of the people of the Msane Tribe is extensive and profound, which makes people tremble and even shake their stomachs when you recount it in depth. There are people from Msane who have slept in the mangroves, they are called Chiefs in the traditional land of their Ancestors, for the sake of avoiding noise and bloodshed, because when a bully robs you of your own from a powerful war. Terrorism is a thing of the past that has been passed on to generations, which is why even today you see the chaos and wars of unnecessary conflicts. The Msane people are a people who can go down because they are people who love peace and well-being in all nations. They are not cowards, they are capable of resisting any war, either oral or weapons. It is important when such matters are addressed with great care, because the blood of the Ancestors of the unwashed people of the Msane Tribe is roaring in many places.



    1.Umoba Farms (PTY)LTD, is under the management agreement of the Kembali Group, currently run a agricultural operation in the Ifafa District ( Lewisham Farm) covering a total area of approximately 1,750 ha's. Land use consists primarily sugercane plantation with some timber. The Group currently cuts in the region of 68, 000 tons of cane per annum. The total combined annual turnover of these operations is in the region of R19million.

    2.Ownership of the above farms was restored to the Msane tribe and the Shozi tribe people, referred as Msane Community via restitution process in January 2009. Umoba has entered into a post restitution management agreement with the Msane community to manage the entire sugarcane plantation operation. This agreement guarantees a seamless transaction and provides long-term sustainability of enterprise. The agreement is underpinned by substantial skills transfer programme and Academy Farm.

    3.The area currently under Msane tribe is 760 hectares and the Shozi tribe is 461 hectares.


    (a).Immediate beneficiation to the claimant in terms of income (rental monies)

    (b).Working capital requirements to be supplied by Kembali Group.

    (c).Skills transfer plan and Academy Farm to address the management capacity of the claimant community.

    (d). Appropriate education to ensure competent long term management ability.


    1. Although the entire 1750 hectares of land will be managed as a consolidated operation, the sugarcane deliveries, moveable assets restoration at the termination of the agreement and the comprehensive skills transfer programme are to be implemented separately. The Kembali Group provides finance for all operations with no security or collateral called for from the claimant community. All machinery and equipment will be owned and labour employed by the management company. This then means that the company will run all operations without any upfront payment of funding from the claimant. The management company as mentioned above comprises of the current land owners who have been farming in the area and are familiar with the commodities involved in this restored area.


    (a). The equipment as per speculated on the attachment asset register was to become the property of the Msane Tribe Heritage, which was register to replace the Mgayi Community Trust, which was discovered to be fraudulently created to serve interest of known culprits , at the termination of the management agreement.


    (i).The estimated gross turnover as per the preminary cash flows submitted by the Group was expected to be in the regions of R11 million per annum. Currently, some R100,517.00 of rental income belonging to the Msane tribe trust, is warehoused in the trust account of Alexander's Incorporated. These funds are in the process of being transferred to the newly opened Community Trust Account.

    (ii).The current rental payable to the Community equates to 7.0%of the gross turnover. The Skills Transfer Program (mentorship & busaries), assistance on the Academy Farms and the equipment are in addition to the rental income.


    According to Human Sciences Research Council , research conducted in 2011 for KZN Department Of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, it states that the area of Mgaye, Qoloqolo, Mthwalume, Mzinto, Braemar, Malangeni, Kwambiyane, were originally known as Nkumbini tribe, which was intergration of different tribes including Luthuli clan which was removed from the Isobubulungu, now known as Bluff, Chiliza clan, which came along with white chief Henry Fynn. They occupied an area stretching from the Msilikazi Mountain down along the coast. The word Qoloqolo was the name of the place which was mainly occupied by the Msane tribe , not a tribe or community, that is why you still find Msane tribe people over there even today. The Msane tribe people did not break away from the Nkumbini tribe, because there were not the part of that intergration , they were long time already there at the South Coast before the arrival of other tribes.

    During 1859, Qoloqolo became to be ruled by Mvundlase who overpowered indigenous Msane traditional leadership as she was favoured by British laws, because the colonial government was under process of getting rid of native traditional leaders. Mvundlase invited the American Board missionaries to visit his tribe, who were those clans that he captured to be under his control, and at the time the Natal Colonial Government had a plan to establish what do called Mission Reserves as distinct from tribal areas. The African who were converted from their traditional African way of life into Christian way of life wanted to leave their traditional communities and mission reserves were established for them. In 1885 the Christian converts requested the Natal Colonial Government that they also wanted to be a community with an Inkosi (Chief). That request was granted and the Mthwalume Mission Reserve community elected their first Inkosi, Shunguza Khumalo, and that is how installation of traditional leadership began to take its turn ( amaKhosi aqala ukubekwa ngokukhethwa abantu). His son did not succeed him because he was not a Christian, and Mxinwa Zama was elected as heir. He was chief from 1907 to 1908, and he was succeeded by Jubede Zama (1908-1923), followed by Isaac Zama ( 1924-1949), and Elijah Zama (1949-1988).

    Although the Qoloqolo area predominantly occupied by Christian community whose amaKhosi were elected , they have since 1907 elected the amaKhosi from the same family - the Zama family. Each time the son of the preceding Inkosi was chosen, giving it semblance of a traditional succession. A request was again made that the community be regarded as a tribe in the traditional sense. Ubukhosi would therefore come from the Zama family. By agreement, the Qoloqolo have changed from a community authority to a tribal authority.

  53. Ngaleso sikhathi uHulumeni wamakoloni wawusuqalile ukucindezela u umkhosi bendabuko nemithetho yabo, sekubusa eyawo ngoba lapho amaKhosi endabuko ephakamisa umhlwenga, noma amakhanda, kwakungasakhulunywa lutho, ayevele aboshwe, kuthiwe "woza nkosi" agaxwe izinsimbi aboshwe ezandleni, yingakho ama hand cuffs bawabiza ngokuthi " ozankosi" kusukela lapho. amaKhosi afana no Ntelezi Msane, Makewu Msane, Mngeni Msane aphelela emajele, amanye abulawa, angcwatshwa lapho kungaziwa ukuthi angcwatshwa kuphi. Inkosi Nombayiza Msane Yona kuthiwa yathunwa khona lapha esekuyizimoba khona Kwa Mgaye, ngoba iyona eyabe iwumkhulu we Nkosi Shaka Msane okhothame ngonyaka ka 2013, kuthiwa ubukhosi bakwaMsane bagcina ngayo Inkosi Nombayiza, ngonyaka ka 1904 , kwathi ngeminyaka to 1905 kwase kubekwa abakwa Chiliza ngoba yibo ababeyizibcelebana zabelungu.

    Inkosi Shaka Msane idlule emhlabeni isiwuphothulile umsebenzi omningi wokulwela umhlaba, Kanye nokuvuswa kwesihlalo sobukhosi beSizwe sabaKwaMsane, okungehlanga kahle kwabaKwaChiliza ngoba babona ukuthi amaqiniso asevela obala ukuthi ubukhosi babo abusibo obendabuko, kepha kwane kungobokubekwa ngokweplitiki kaHulumeni wamaKoloni.

    Noma kwasishaya kwezwela ukudlula emhlabeni kwe Nkosi Shaka Msane, kodwa siyabonga ukuthi kukhona okuyifa asishiya nalo, inkinga iqhamuka-ke manje lapho abaKwaChiliza sebezoba isithiyo endleleni sebethola inxeba lokungena ngenxa yokuthi lowo obeyinsika nosomlando , nobebhekelele amagugu esizwe saKwaMsane e South Coast, usedlulile emhlabeni, Kanti futhi nabo sebeqhwakela ezikhundleni sokwengamela amaKhosi esiFundazweni, sebesebenzisa ithuba lokungena phakathi kwethu nokusixova, ukuze bakwazi ukusephuca okungokwethu esikulwele kanzima, saze salahlekelwa abaningi bakithi. Ngalokhukhu sicela abaKwaChiliza kebahlehle baqhele nje ezindabeni zaba KwaMsane ezimayelana bomhlaba Kanye nobukhosi, kebanake ezabo zase Xobho base Port Shepstone lapho ubukhosi babo buzinze khona. Siyabanxisa nabaKwaMsane njengabaholi beSizwe nezishoshovu ezilwela loludaba ukuba babe ngabantu abaqondile, nabayaziyo into abayifunayo, bangabib izimuka nadwendwe esilandela lapho kunconsa ngakhona uju lwezinyosi oseluphandiwe, nabo ake bazimisele ukubhekana nobinzima njengamadoda, bangabib abantu abafuna ukuhlola izinto ngabanye abantu. Iyona futhi enye yezinto eyenza kubambezeleke loludaba, ngenxa yabantu abadlelana nezitha, nabafuna ukuba bahle ngamagama abanye abantu.


    As I indicated that Nkumbini tribe was the amalgamation of various groups of clans that were placed under Chief Henry Fynn during the period after the Anglo-Zulu War and the annexation known as Tom Gunn's Location to act as a buffer against the warring Msane tribe. Those clans which made the Nkumbini tribe were Dunges, Nikwes, Mthembus, Gigaba, Mavundla, Hadebe, Chilizas, Shibes, and Mkhize.

    Following the death of last couloured chief ( since the area was under couloured chiefs) Wilson Fynn, several claims to the chieftaincy were received. This forced the government to institute a commission of inquiry. Tribesman were given the opportunity to state their views. It was decided that once the couloured chief died the chieftaiship would go back to the Gigabas. As a consequence, the late Nkanyezi Gigaba was elected as chief. But it was made clear that this chieftaincy was not to carry any hereditary status. Chief Gigaba ruled until his death in 1976. Msane tribe dispersed all over, some went to Amanzimtoti, Highflats, Umkhomazi, Ezingolweni, Mzumbe , and some went to nearest settlements established by Natal Colonial Government.

  55. By that time the colonial government had begun to suppress the traditional festival and its laws, and it was their own rule because when the traditional chiefs raised their heads, or said nothing, they were bound, "come king" with handcuffs on their hands, hence the hand cuffs were called "handcuffs" from there. Kings such as Ntelezi Msane, Makewu Msane, Mngeni Msane ended up in prisons, some were killed, buried where it is not known where they are buried. Inkosi Nombayiza Msane He is said to have been buried in the sugarcane field of Kwa Mgaye, as he was the grandfather of King Shaka Msane who died in 2013. .

    Inkosi Shaka Msane has passed away after completing much of the land struggle, as well as the revival of the throne of the KwaMsane Nation, which did not sit well with the KwaChiliza because they saw that the facts were clear that their monarchy was not traditional, but political.

    Although we are saddened by the passing of King Shaka Msane, we are grateful that there is a legacy that we have left with him, the problem arises now that the KwaChiliza are becoming a stumbling block along the way and are wounded to enter because the former pillar and historian, they have also risen to the position of Chief of State in the Province, and have used the opportunity to come in between us and confuse us, so that they can deprive us of what we have fought so hard for, that we have lost many of us. In this regard, we urge the KwaChiliza to step aside from the KwaMsane issues of land and kingship, and to pay attention to their Ixopo Port Shepstone where their monarchy is based. We urge the KwaMsane as leaders of the Nation and activists who fight for this issue to be the right people, who know what they want, not to be swayed by the honeycomb that has been researched, let them be willing to face adversity as men, not be people who want to explore other people. It is also one of the reasons why this issue is delayed, because of people who are allies of the enemy, who want to be nice to other people's names.


    Kuthiwa umlando wendawo ka yeNkosi MNGENI Msane isuka kuNongcada, okuwuyena owayisungula eminyakeni yabo 1826 kuza neno, bafika kusengamahlathi, kunezilwane zasendle zonke ongazibala ezinye zazo esezaqoqwa zagcinwa eziqiwini zezilwane zasendle, ezinye zabaleka ngokuys kwendawo iphucuzeka ukuhlala abantu.

    Washiya umndeni wakhe wahlala kuyona uMngeni ebusa abantu bakhe lwagcina kuyisabelo sabantu beSizwe saKwaMsane neminye imithonseyana yezibongo ezahlukene. Emva kwalokho kwafika iqulu kwezinye izibongo elafika naye uHenry Francis Fynn elalibizwa ngokuthi yiziNkumbi eZimfece nalo selizofuna indawo yokuzihlela, ezinye izibongo zasondela KwabakwaMsane ngoba yibo ababe sebezoqalele indawo entsha ekubaalekeleni isihluku nonyabluka Shaka Zulu.

    Amangisi aqala alwisana namaKhosi endabuko, azinqoba izimpi ngoba ayesebenziss besinye isizwe esondelene eduze kwawo ukulwisana nesinye sobukhosi bendabuko. Base bakha uhlelo lokudla imihlaba yamakhosi, wayakhile-ke uMngeni nabantu bakhe kwafika umfana womlungu owayebizwa ngo Mnu W Deacon wathi enkosini, " Nkosi ngikuvakashele ngize ngokukwazisa ngezinguquko esezikhona manje, sekubusa iNdlovukazi yamaNgisi, sekusebenza umthetho wayo, umhlaba sewuyadayisa noma ubani manje usenelungelo lokuzithengela owakhe Abe me title deed". Isathuli imangele Inkosi, ilalalele insambatheka eyehla ngaphezulu, waqhubeka wathi, " Nawe Nkosi Msane kungakuhle uthenge owakho umhlaba uze ungakhathazeki esikhathi esizayo.

    Inkosi Mngeni Msane wanezinkomo eziningi, enamakhosikazi ayisishiyagalolunye wave esethengake umhlaba ngemali ewu 600 pounds ethobela lowo mthetho owawuzobekwa phezu kwabo njengesizwe, wayigcwalisela ngezinkabi zezinkomo eziyisikhombisa, yaqalake yasikwa noma yadatshulwa kwaba ukungena kwabo esabelweni seNkosi Mngeni abalimi babelungu.

    Basika indawo baqala ukuyenza amapulazi, basuswa abantu baKwaMsane nezinye izibongo, babasunduzela ezindaweni ezinye eziwugwadule abase bezihlelele ukwakhiwa abantu khona ezazibizwa ngokuthi ama transist farms, labo ababegoloza babeboshwa.

    Lapho abebesuse khona abantu ababesuswa esabelweni seNkosi Mngeni Msane, babethi abaye esabelweni abase bezivule kabusha ababethi ezamakholwa azabizwa ngama mission reserves, ngoba kwakuqedwa izabelo zomhlaba wamaKhosi endabuko, kusethsenziswa nabefundisi babelungu okwakuthiwa ama Missionary ukuthambisa abantu ukuthi bangavusi umhlwenga. Bawuthatha-ke umhlaba wenkosi , babelana ngawo.

    Kwadlula isikhathi yakhothama iNkosi Mngeni Msane, washiya undodana yakhe uNombayiza kwaba uyena othatha isihlalo sobukhosi baKwaMsane, wasalake uNombayiza Msane kulowo mhlaba kayise ayesewuthengile njengepulazi ayesehlala kulona Naba KwaMsane nezinye izibongo ababehlobene nazo.

  57. Wahlala esihlalweni sobukhosi uNombayiza Waze waficwa isikhathi sempi ka Bhambatha ngabo 1906, kanti naye wayesemdala engasaboni kahle emehlweni esefuna umuntu ozombambela isihlalo sobukhosi baKwaMsane, emva kwalokho wakhothama, babonga abelungu, bathi siyabonga ngoba usefile uNombayiza sizokwazi manje ukuba siwuthole wonke lomhlaba ngoba siyawufuna, base benyakazisa okhokho nobabamkhulu bethu beSizwe saKwaMsane babahlukumeza bebagijimisa ngamahhashi bethatha nemfuyo yabo, bebadilizela izindlu, bahlale emahlathi, belekelelwa nangamasosha ka Hulumeni wamaKoloni.

    Ukususwa kwabantu kuqhubeke njalo kwaze Kuba yiminyaka yabo 1968 isizelwe Inkosi Shaka Msane nayo isiqala ukuhlakanipha, obona abazali bayo beboshwa phambi kwabo besezingane bengenakwenza lutho. Ayikutholanga ukuphumulo yazimisela ngokuthi ilwe kuze kube sekugcineni.

    Kwathi lapho bephuma abazali bayo ekuboshweni badingiswa iyona inkampane yaka Reynolds Brothers (Ltd), bashiya leyo misalela yabantu abenziwa izigqila zasemapulazini, besebenza begadwe ngeziswebhu, bengaholelwa mali, uma begula befa khona emapulazini, bagqintshwe okwezilwane khona lapho kutshalwa khona umoba.

    Basuswa ngendlula-ke abakwaMsane kwathiwa abazibonele bayofuna izindawo zokwakha, benxeshezelwa ngamagxana ka asbestors obolile, basuswa baphela bonke abantu baka Mngeni Msane, kuthe seziya izinto zishinstha sekubuyiswa inhlangano eyayibalwe umlomo ka Khongolose, iminyaka eminingi, nabantu sebeqeqeshekile kwezempi, sebengena nasemapulazini, kwaqala futhi abaKwaMsane ababeholwa yiNkosi Shaka Msane ukubs kuxoxiswane ngabo 1992 nangempela zaqala izingxoxo, ngoba imithetho yabe isiya ngokuxega leyo eyayicindezela abantu abamnyama.


    Njengoba kushiwo ngaphambilini ukuthi umlando sobukhosi baKwaMsane eSouth Coast ube isiqala ukufadalala ngonyaka ka 1906, ngesikhathi sempi yentela ka khandampondo, bufadaliswa uHulumeni wama Koloni njengoba ayesefuna ukuqeda nlya ngamakhosi endabuko, ngoba amaKhosi oselwa ayenezabelo ezinkulu, efuna nokubeka lawo amaKhosi ayezoba yizimpimpi nezincelebana zawo, yingakho no Tshezi wabekwa ngazo lezo zikhathi zabo 1911 kuya ko 1938, amaKhosi ayebusa ngaleso sikhathi kwane sekuyizincelebane nezimpimpi zikaHulumeni wama Koloni okunhloso yawo kwakuwukudla umhlaba wamaKhosi oselwa.

    Kuyadabukisa futhi kuyihlazo lokhu osekwenziwa abaKwaChiliza ukuthi basafuna ukufuna ukuphindisa izwe emuva, njengoba bezihlela phezu komhlaba wabaKwaMsane beqamba amatrust, besabisa nabantu baKwaMsane ngezibhamu, ukwenza into ababeyenziswa kudala ngama Koloni, wokudla imihlaba yamakhosi ngezikhali. Kuzidingeka uHulumeni obusayo asheshe alusukuemele loludaba lungazebluyenkude kuqubuke izimpi zombango. Abantu baKwaMsane abantu bokuthula, noxolo. Angeke futhi basiqeda ngoba sibaningi, kukhona nasebeqeqeshiwe kwezempi abangayibambanishisa Uma kuwukuthi banempi bayasichukuluza.


    Ngasekuqaleni kwaloludaba ziye zabalilwa izindlu zabantu beSizwe sabaKwaMsane, kukhona ezimbalwa ezisale ngephutha, ngalokho ngithi yobe njengoba zihamba kanye;

    1.Indlu yaKwaDumangeze,

    2.Indlu yase Vambini,

    3.Indlu yaseNdleleni,

    4.Indlu yase Ngwenyeni,

    5.Indlu yakwa Nsukuzonke,

    6.Indlu yase Nqiwaneni, indlu kaZitike kwenzeke lelo phutha kwathiwa indlu yaKwaZitike, ekubeni igama lika Khokho ojuyindlu yakhe.

    Ngaphandle kezindlu zabaKwaMsane eSouth Coast eziboniswa noma ezaziwa ngama Gama oKhokho no Babamkhulu.

    Njengoba ziningi kangaka-ke kezindlu zesizwe sabantu baKwaMsane zitholakalaphi umhlaba ungaka. Akusizo izindlu lezi zasemadolobheni, ezinye impela zisemaholokohlweni nasemahlanzeni asemakhaya, kanti ezinye sekwasala amagama azo ngoba lapho zazakhiwe khona kwadliwa umhlaba kwafika intuthuko yesimanje, kepha izinsalela zesizukulwane sikhona kulezo zindawo sesaphila impilo yamanje yase mpumalanga.


    Nansi-ke Uma beyichaza ngobubanzi bayo indawo eyisabelo sabantu beSizwe saKwaMsane enhla nezwe kuze kuyifika eSwazini. Njengoba kuchaziwe kafishane ukuthi abaKwaMsane kuthiwa ngokomlando badabuka emuva kweNtaba Mthekwini eHluhluwe, yilapho isigodlo Se Nkosi Sontuli Msane ozala iNkosi Mbhekane Msane sasakhiwe khona, isingisi khona lapha e Hluhluwe sibizwa ngayo Inkosi kuthiwa Sontuli Loop.

    Nakho-ke okunye, ungadideki uma uzwa umuntu wakini, ikakhulukazi laba abazinze phesheya komfula uThukela ,nako Mfolozi nase Hluhluwe ,bekubingelela bethi Sontuli, noma Mbhekane, noma Nxaba, noma Mgobhozi (hhayi oyisibongo), noma Mthantathwa, ngoba uthinta impela labo abanamandla, ezikhona emhlabeni ngoba kwaba khona bona phambi kwethu kuqala.

    Iqala laphaya-ke eMthekwini indaba ende ngomlando wabaKwaMsane, kuye ngobubanzi bayo, bathi uthinta lezindawo ezilandelayo, ukusika eNingizimu uthinta izindawo ezifana nentaba uCilwane, intaba uBisana, intaba namathafa uMthwana, nomfula Amavuye ukwehla njalo ukwehlukan iselalana neyeNkosi yakwa-Sokhulu, Kanti ngaseNyakatho nesifundazwe uthinta izindawo ezifana nendawo yakwa Kwiliza, umfula iNsane, indawo yase Msane ( esingazi noma kwenzeka iphutha babeqonde ukuthi kwaMsane), ukuncikana nomgwaqo R618 osuka e Matubatuba uya kwaHlabisa.

    EMpumalanga uthinta lezindawo ezilandelayo indawo yami Kweyana, KwaNgqongwana, inkambu yamaSosha (121 Battalion), iKwaMkhon' uneziphunga,bkanti entshonalanga uthinta iNkolokotho , isiqiwu Hluhluwe- Umfolozi Park.

    Kukulendawo-ke lapho umlando wethu njengeSizwe sabaKwaMsane ofike ugxile khona noma me sezibongo izindawo lapho abaKwaMsane bafika bazinza khona nako Nquthu, ngoba babuye badlula kuzona abanhazinza ngoba impi ka Shaka Zulu yayingafuni lutho okuzokwazi ukuzinza ngokwami.

    Abantu ngesibongo saKwaMsane uyabathola koMsinga, Nkandla, Showe, Nongoma, Mpangeni, nakwesaKwaMthethwa, KwaSokhulu, naKwaMbonambi, bakhona phansi kwamanye amaKhosi ngenxa yakho ukudungeka kwesizwe, kanye nokuzithandela nje.

  61. Kokwemingcele kaMasipala wase Mtubatuba, bayichaza kanje, ngama Ward akhona amahlanu. Sikhumbule-ke ukuthi abaKwaMkhanazi abuye bazibize ngabaKwaMpukunyoni bafike baba omakhelwane babaKwaMsane kusukela eHluhluwe bezibiza ngabaKwaMnqobokazi. AbaKwaMkhwanazi bakhonza ngaphansi kuka Dingiswayo waKwaMthethwa ngoba kwaba khona ukungezwani nabaKwaMsane kusuka eHluhluwe, njengoba baxoshwa abaKwaThabethe, bathe futhi bethi bazisondeza kwabaKwaMngomezulu, nabo babaxosha.
    Kuthiwa-ke uWard 1 wonke leyo indawo yaKwaMsane , kwakukhona isakhiwo zendabuko ezazitimizi yabantu baKwaMsane, kuthe ngonyaka ka 1969 May , kwangena uHulumeni wamaKoloni waqala wakaha izindlu zesimanje, enye indawo yasala njengesabelo sabantu bendabuko baKwaMsane. Kuzothi lezindawo eziku Ward 2 okubalwa yona indawo eyisabelo sabaKwaMsane ehlanganisa izindawo ezifana no Khula Village, Ezwenelisha, Dukuduku, nase Indlovu Village, leyo ndawo kumele ngabe ilawulwa I Msane Tribal Authority, kepha okwamanje ibhekwe to Mpukunyoni Trabal Authority ngoba ubukhosi beSizwe saKwaMsane uHulumeni walesikhathi esiphila kusona usalokhu eshona ezintabeni ukuba a unisex obala ngokusemthethweni, Kanti kubuye kuvimbe abaKwaMkhwqnqzinukusabela isihlalo sobukhosi babo.

    Kuyacaca ukuthi indawo yakwa Msane yileyo esithithukisiwe yaba yidolobha ingxenye yayo, kanti enye enkulu isayindawo eyisabelo sasemakhaya. Akhona amakhosana aphila okumele ngabe aqhwakela isihlalo sobukhosi, kepha kukhona ukubuye Kube nongabazane, okwenza kushayeke nesizwe sonke ngobubanzi naso.

    Inkosana yasendlini ka Mgebashe kaMgobhozi iphumelile obala Yaba nesibindi yasho yathi nakhu ngikhona baSane njengeNkosana ngiphakamiseni, ngempela imizamo kuphezu kwayo.


    U Mnu Ronald Zwakele Msane, wazalelwa endaweni okuthiwa yise Manzimtoti Mission Reserve, eyaziwa kakhulu futhi ngokuthi yise Adams Mission. Lelo igama engalethwa abazali abangizalayo uNkk. Thuleleni Purity Msane, Kanye noMnu. Sipho Simon Msane.

    Emva kokuphothula isikole samabanga aphezulu, ngibe sengifisa ujuqhubeka nezifundo zakwi Tertiary Level, ngenxa yokuthi amaphuzu ayengavumi, kwabiza ukuthi ngiqale ngenze uhleli olwalubizwa ngokuthi hi Access Tertiary Programe, Ze Basic Course in Anthropology, Ethnology, Sociology, kanye ne Psychology ezathatha unyaka owodwa wonke, ngaziphasa ngamalengiso.

    Ukwenza lezifundo ka kangizikhethelanga, kwaba ukuthi ngihlangane nazo sengifike e University Of Natal, ngingazi ukuthi zinento ethile eyovuka ngaphathi kimina, eyohambisana nento okumele iqhamuke kimina, yokuphanda umlando nemvelaphi yesibongo Sami saKwaMsane, njengoba bekungakhulunywa lutho tu ngaso kanti sinomlando ohlabahlosile.

    Ukubhalela emaphephandabeni ngaphansi kwengosi yemibono yabafundi, Kube ugqozi olwenziwe umthelela wokudlula kulezifundo engishilo ngenhla.

    Noma ngisebenze ezindaweni eziningi, ngithola amathuba emisebenzi angcono, bengingahlali ngoba noma ngisebenze ngithola imali eyanelisayo, bengizwa injabulo yami ingakapheleliswa yokulethwa emhlabeni ngabazali, ngizwa sengathi kukhona engingakakwenzi okuthile okumele ngikwenze, kepha ngingenakho ukuqonda ukuthi ngabe yontoni leyo, kwaze kuba ngiboniswa ngezindlela ezibuhlungu zokuhlukumezeka engeke ngazibalula lapha.

    Lesiphiwo esifihlakele sokuvundulula amaqiniso eminyaka afihlakele singenze ngadingwa nabezinye izibongo ukuba ngifake isandla ekubavundululeni nasekukhanyiseni umlando injengoba injalo ngaphandle kokwesaba.

    Nguyen ngabizwa ngomunye wabaholi abaqavile base Eastern Cape uProf. Ceasar Nongqunga ukuba ngibe umeluleki wakhe ezintweni ezithinta izibongo ezahlukene zaKwaZulu-Natal, Kanti Luther kusenjalo ngaba nokusodelana kakhulu nobukhosi beSizwe saKwaMaphumulo, nabo befika ukukhanyiseleka betisizukulwane samanje mayelana ezinto eziyamanisa abaKwaMaphumulo nendawo yase Manzimtoti.


    Written colonial history was not only self serving, but was written in a manner omitting the fact that local governance system and local communities had their own agendas and missions often different to the agenda.

    History was written on a particular perspective over decades of colonialism and apartheid.

    We got to understand the impact of significant historical events and procecess, such as the rise of the Zulu kingdom and it's expansion, whites settlement in the province, the tribal wars, civil wars between Europeans and Africans ,the Bhambatha Rebellions, the creation of the Union Of South Africa, the advent of apartheid, and the introduction of the homelands system governments.

    We got to be aware that special powers were granted to white administrators to appoint and depose amakhosi ,as well as to create chiefdoms at will, which never existed befiret.

    This became a tool for white administrators to interfere in the internal operations of chiefdoms, in particular to create new chiefdoms, destroy others, depose and replace those resisting amakhosi.

    The results was that various new ruling lineages were created where non existed before, while indigenous lineages were deprived of their historical status , and while other inferior lineages were raised to the chieftainships in other tribes dreads , giving rise to disputes among communities over the legitimate ruling tribe lineage.
    [03/11, 12:47 AM] Zwakele Ka Vangise Msane: Indeginous chieftaincy history was completely scratched away, and not even recognised or recorded ,to make way for new politically created chieftancies, which were to operate as colonial government instruments to get rid of indeginous chiefdoms to acquire their native land to be under its control and ownership.

  64. My grandfather came from Umzimkhulu. He married my grandmother who is from Pondoland and relocated there. It seems he then lost contact with his original home. The result is that we always wondered where we came from. I really appreciate this history. Keep it up Manila.
